I'm a firm believer in storytelling as humanity's universal language and in trust as its most precious currency. My passion for both has led me to work in various forms of content creation. But, it won't stop there. I'm always researching and developing my skills further in order to speak people's language better and gain more of their special currency.

The world of social media continuously evolves and getting a post to shine among the rest is becoming more challenging every day. Here are some diverse examples of social media posts I created that brought strong engagement:


TKH: The Dos & Don'ts of Deciding Your Major

As pew. design bureau’s resident content creator, my approach to content for our client, The Knowledge Hub Universities, was always uncompromisingly empathetic to our target audience of to-be university students.

One area they truly needed empathy at was choosing majors.

During college applications season, all universities go berserk with content on the courses of each major and the requirements of applying to each major.

That approach leaves applicants with information overload and plants the seeds for faulty decision-making.

With TKH, before introducing majors, we added an extra phase in our recruitment strategy, where we guided our prospects as they decided their majors. So, we told them a story:

It was simple. It was effective. And, it won TKH trust as an entity that genuinely cares about its students’ careers, because why else would we tell Engineering hopefuls to reassess even though TKH has a world-class Engineering school?

We followed up this post with a 5-day series titled the Dos & Don’ts of Choosing Majors.

The series generated unprecedented engagement, including plenty of comments finding the content helpful and comments from university students and graduates who wished such content was available as they themselves decided on majors.

Most remarkably, the series led to a 27% increase in TKH Instagram follows in less than a week.

TKH Meen Qal? Trendjacking

While TKH predominantly became the main source of valuable and relatable content for university students, Ramadan 2022 brought with it some interesting competition. From hit TV show Meen Qal?. Tackling various topics TKH had previously covered, including gap years and major mismatches, Meen Qal? resonated because it gave the audience an episodic unprecedented look at the life of a struggling university freshman. 

Our team regrouped and we decided to embrace the show’s influence. We posted five lessons to learn from Meen Qal? which gained massive traction even from the show’s main lead and writer. If you ask us, that wasn’t as much of an example of trend-jacking as it was of trend-retrieving ;)

NowPay: Obliterator of Employee Loans

As a digital app that allows employees control over when to cash in their salary during the month, Y Combinator-backed fintech startup NowPay made it its mission to put an end to employee loans.

NowPay’s main target audience are HR and payroll personnel. This post reminds them that as annoying as employee loans can be, employees don’t enjoy having to ask for loans either so utilizing NowPay’s services becomes a win-win.

Wecover: Who's Covered? Your Entire Team!

Based in one of the most culturally diverse countries in the world, the UAE, insurance provider Wecover wanted to spread a message of inclusion and well-being for all. For their tailored solution for businesses, we wanted to paint a picture of that message in action to employers so they could imagine how Wecover can provide immense value to their own employees.

360Imaging State of All-on-X in 2022 Release

Dentistry has come a long way from the dentures President George Washington donned back in his day. This short video commemorates the release of a new 360Imaging eBook titled the State of All-on-X in 2022 that recaps this fascinating shift from the days of Washington to the days of same-day picture-perfect teeth.

NOVA Egypt: There's New. Then There's NOVA

NOVA University Lisbon, one of the top 10 young universities in Europe, was launching its first international campus at TKH. With sustainability at its very core, NOVA’s edge is in keeping its students in the know and relevant to the market with dynamic curricula and learning modules. This is how we communicated this USP to NOVA’s new audience:

Canvas GUC Hack It Till You Make It

The idea here was simple. I wanted to showcase the mindsets of successful entrepreneurs while still providing our audience with info that was genuinely helpful to them and might solve some of their daily struggles. And "Hack It Till You Make It" was born. It provided students with hacks entrepreneurs use for time management. The post was so successful it actually ended up becoming a series with new posts every week giving students hacks for different topics.
TEDxGUC Imagine the Cascade

 The theme Cascade for TEDxGUC's 2016 main event was a symbol for flow of ideas from one point to another. We wanted to show real life examples of that on our social media channels. I immediately started searching for examples in the music industry and the legacy of John Lennon's Imagine was just the perfect representation of what Cascade was.


 Not much to discuss here. So which Elon Musk are you today?