I'm a firm believer in storytelling as humanity's universal language and in trust as its most precious currency. My passion for both has led me to work in various forms of content creation. But, it won't stop there. I'm always researching and developing my skills further in order to speak people's language better and gain more of their special currency.

Writing has been my go-to recreation for years. And it hasn't stopped being so even after I started writing in the world of marketing. It's still as gratifying and still never dull. These are some of my favorite pieces I wrote as a marketeer:

Perception vs. Reality: Does How Old You Feel Affect Your Longevity?

My professional journey took an epic turn in 2022 when I stumbled upon the longevity field. I felt a deep connection to this field that transcends everything I studied at Pharmacy school and strives to combat the culprit of all chronic diseases: aging. This connection quickly turned into an obsession, as I immersed myself in all sorts of longevity resources.

From there, I made it my goal to start writing about longevity. My current position as a Medical Content Writer at cutting-edge longevity startup, Rejuve.AI gave me just that. This piece is one of my favorites so far, as it covers the fascinating topic of our subjective age and how it affects our biological aging.

Read the full article here.

Backward Planning: How to Choose the Right Full-Arch Restoration

Helming the blog at Atlanta-based 3Sixty for guided surgery and digital dentistry solutions has been an exciting challenge. Plenty of research is required as the company is in such a niche market. Plus, dentists don't have much time on their hands to read. So whenever they do end up on the blog, I need to respect their time and provide with them well-researched, valuable information. 

For this blog post specifically, I had to delve deep into the textbook Contemporary Implant Dentistry by a founding father of oral implantology, Dr. Carl E. Misch. As laborious as that was, it paid off well for the blog post which lays down the prosthetic options for full-arch rehabilitation.

Read the full article here.

Edited by Dental Education Lead, Tarek Tantawy, BDS, MDPH.  

EBRD: The State of Environmental Sustainability in 2021 Survey Report

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development conducted a survey of 150+ Egyptian business leaders to assess their awareness of sustainability and their readiness to make their businesses more sustainable. I had the privilege of writing the survey report ripe with fascinating insights from all sectors.

5 Experts to Follow for Evidence-Based COVID-19 Insights in Arabic

Arguably as dangerous as the virus itself, disinformation was running rampant during the COVID-19 pandemic, especially in Arab countries. Volunteering as a content writer at the Society for the Advancement of Science and Technology in the Arab World, I wanted to spotlight the heroic outreach efforts of five trustworthy Arab experts who were sharing evidence-based information in Arabic on their social media channels about the pandemic and fighting disinformation.

Read the full article here.

Augmania's ‘Hollywood, Say Hello to my [not so] Little Friend: Augmented Reality

My time as a content creator in the Silicon Valley-based augmented reality company, Augmania, was highly influential to my career. I got to test myself in an environment that was simply uncharted to me. That would be the ever-evolving world of tech, specifically, AR. Research was the key that allowed me to thrive with the Augmania blog which I called my baby all throughout. Upon research, I was able to single out the two elements the tech community craves in content.

First up is credible data compiled from various sources followed by collective interpretation. The second element is inspiration in the form of novel tech use cases that content creators have to innovate from scratch at times.

I choose to feature ‘Hollywood, Say Hello to my [not so] Little Friend: Augmented Reality’ here as I put the aforementioned two elements into good use while producing it. I talk about how strong results are making Hollywood moguls solely focus on using AR in promoting releases while simultaneously distracting them from the fact that AR can be just as efficient in other areas of filmmaking.

There you go!

Also, feel free to check out some of my other works on my baby Augmania blog!


Why Pursue a Coventry University Degree at TKH?

The Knowledge Hub brings a unique approach to higher education by hosting world-class universities on an Egyptian campus.

In examining the pros of pursuing a Coventry University degree at TKH campus, I have used extensive research throughout this article to provide a commentary on the landscape of higher education in Egypt, highlight where TKH-Coventry fits in, and explain how TKH-Coventry could give the whole system a much needed shot in the arm.

Here’s a link!


TEDxGUC Cascade Trailer

Posting a trailer for the main event had been an annual ritual for TEDxGUC. Members of team design shot and edited the video which they did a phenomenal job at. I was in charge of writing the caption to go with the video that was just supposed to hype our audience for the event. While the trailer was breathtaking, it needed a story to connect all its scenes together. I ended up retro constructing a mini-story for the trailer which was one of the biggest writing challenges I had ever had. I knew it was worth it when the videomakers thanked me after reading the story.

I present the story of X:

"Her quest commenced a long time ago. X doesn't remember exactly when it started, but she recalls reaching mountain apexes, diving into the depths of sea and the Synergies in between. X recalls jumping at every window of opportunity that allowed her to explore her Identity. She recalls playing cards with destiny, Back and Forth.

Now her journey of far-reaching curiosity might be close to a conclusion. X realized there was never a start. There will be no end. Infinite immanence? Parallel universes maybe? Or is it a universe that just loops back into itself forever?

X poses the questions now, but with one certainty in mind; there is no single absolute meaning to life. Life has and will always have a Cascade of meanings."

Tap here to watch the trailer!


The Happy Ending

An exceptionally intriguing piece I recently got to do was the copywriting for architect Al Hassan Elwan's Happy Ending project:

"Hollywood, the be all and end all reverie of fame & fortuitous fortune holds in fact a quite juxtaposed counterculture ethos. Throughout its archive, depictions of various rebellious themes gradually revealed themselves to the silver screen, ideas & envisions of a socialist proletarian globe where an orderly communal society roams have been constantly propagated. The distinguished Bradbury building, featured in multiple productions as an icon of extravagance & aristocracy was in fact inspired from Bellamy’s Looking Backward (1888), which speaks of a socialist utopia, seemingly the gush of light that infiltrates through the vast glass atrium & enlightens those within is merely a metaphor for such egalitarian dreams in a city driven by capitalist ones. Other depictions of proletarian themes are evidently found in films such as Grapes of Wrath (1940)

The Exiles(1961), reflect Hollywood’s innate subconscious tendencies of self impregnation, as of such themes. These instances unfold Hollywood’s own conscience, that has always been subtly present. But in typical capitalist fashion, flaunting quite the contradictory to the public was the case. Instances where the Jewish theatre owners were the ones to screen D.W Griffith’ The Birth of A Nation, arguably one of the most bigoted xenophobic films in History. Counter Culture is an inherent secret ingredient in Hollywood’s Nuclei, however what it presents lags behind until it can reflect its core. Rebel Without A Cause was the first Hollywood blockbuster that embraced counter-culture as an essence which truly manifests this dichotomy where Hollywood’s fettishization of culture imperialism is in essence a loop of counter culture imperialism.

Hollywood’s founding fathers, the six moguls, might have passed away but their auric ideals clearly haven’t. California, early 20th century, a small group of jewish immigrants arrived at a terrain vague, a raw platform where they could illustrate & manifest their social constructs. They transformed an industry of moving pictures into the most influential art form of the 20th century. Adolph Zukor, founder of Paramount, Carl Laemmle of Universal; Louis B. Mayer, of MGM; William Fox of 20th Century Fox, and Harry Cohn of Columbia; were all immigrants or children of ones who

reinvented their history, their social status, to become Americans. In Process, they transformed America & the world. Driven by utopian visions where everything is not only bigger & better but a refined image of what was the current state back then. They knew what the public wanted because they were the public at a certain point, notions of acceptance, tolerance & social cohesion were recurring themes in early Hollywood years, such idealism bred the notion of The American Dream through its hopeful vibrant depictions of what life could be and pursuit of happiness.

Unfortunately, the time came where Hollywood’s pristinely undercover counterculture to be diminished, The HUAC (House Un-American Activities Committee), a rigorous investigation first started in 1938, on accusations of Hollywood’s elite having ties to communist ideals, hence the “Un-American”. A blacklist was created where editors, directors, writers and all that follows fell capture to unemployment due to their egalitarian socio political views. More or less, it was the the narrative of the tower of Babel all over again, just as Hollywood was in firm belief in terms of creating this utopiandream, conflict had to occur, whether different languages or ideologies, it was a turning point towards a downhill slope.

21st Century, we find ourselves amidst a search for safety, as issues such as terrorism, xenophobia, homophobia & misogyny rise & fall, our globe runs through a time far from peacefulness, but the general conscious regardless asks & begs for social progress. A social progress where the non banal safety seeked isn't merely high thick walls or security facilities but rather a shared sense of self-assurance, a communal belonging, safety that breeds mutual acceptance. Only then can true human connection strive & once again advance. Services like student housing, Airbnb & others don’t solely offer affordable housing, but almost guaranteeing a socially inherent mesh mentioned above.

The modernist model of social separation lingers no more, a radical view towards communism & several issues has caused a spawn of free thinking Z & Y generations, fracturing ideologies to their core & transcending their foundational value to it’s purest condition. Socialism, Communism, Capitalism & such purely metamorph into a collage of sociopolitical values where modern generations single out & designate the currently & coherently convenient value.

Meanwhile in Griffith Observatory in Los Angeles, stands Atlas, the Greek God, holding the celestial sphere in Balin’s dome ceiling mural. As the myth goes, Atlas was punished by Zeus and forced to hold the cosmos separate from Gaia to prevent this primordial embrace of sky & earth. The myth also placed Atlas towards the “West” of Gaia. It seems Balin knew he was painting Atlas on the Griffith Observatory Dome for a reason. For a long time Los Angeles has been a pusher for the avant-garde and progression in almost every field. A city that bred forward-living. Gone dormant for the last 30 years, it’s time Atlas dropped his ball to signal the green light to the world to defeat separation.

Hollywood’s six Moguls are resurrected for one final blockbuster. They’re building The Last House on Mulholland; and offering today’s unprivileged to come and live with them, with no emotion wrecking walls to separate, in a giant transparent ball for the entire world to behold and embrace right beneath the sign where it all started. The Moguls have felt firsthand what it means to have a bigoted society gunning for them and have decided that nobody should feel that again. Hence, modern-day refugees are first in line to bury their hardships in The Last House on Mulholland.

The Happy Ending is Hollywood’s statement of the new world. A gesture for world peace, redemption, trust, empathy, and impartiality. The Last House on Mulholland is an assurance that humans still have a universal right to live, coexist, and feel safe. The final chapter reflects back on the ultimate goal of the Tower of Babel before bias got the best of mankind. The final chapter is an attempt at lifting the burden of separation off Atlas’ chest for good. And it’s the Moguls’ nod to Pythagoras that indeed planet Earth is round and that our fate hangs solely on our ability to live together and coexist."